What You Sow / Was Man Sät
Interactive generative augmented reality installationTamiko Thiel and /p, 2023
Commissioned by NRW-Forum Düsseldorf for the 2nd AR Biennale "Hybrid Nature" - (see PRESS)
@ NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, 14 May – 29 October 2023
View What You Sow on your own phone at this location with our free ARpoise AR app:
- PARIS: Square Léopold-Achille - Marais DigitARt II, 2024.

What You Sow, Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2023. Visualization in Rheingärtchen, Düsseldorf, Germany.
O ye Denizens of the Deep! Plastic waste falls like mana from the heavens. Touch each precious seed to grow a bountiful garden of garbage, that shall be for all eternity. For what you sow, so shall you reap.