Tamiko Thiel

Tamiko Thiel

Artworks exploring the intersection of space, place and cultural memory.

ARpothecary's Garden
What you sow
Revolution and Return
Waldwandel/Forest Flux
Waldwandel/Forest Flux
Waldwandel/Forest Flux
Anthropocene Daze
Enter the Plastocene @ MEET Milan
Enter the Plastocene @ MEET Milan
Enter the Plastocene @ MEET Milan
Atmos Sphaerae
Atmos Sphaerae
Atmos Sphaerae
Enter the Plastocene @ ARTLAB Gleis1 Regensburg
Enter the Plastocene @ ARTLAB Gleis1 Regensburg
Enter the Plastocene @ ARTLAB Gleis1 Regensburg
Virtual Berlin Wall
Virtual Berlin Wall
Sponge Space Trash Takeover
Lend Me Your Face!
Lend Me Your Face!
My Identity Is This Expanse
My Identity Is This Expanse
My Identity Is This Expanse
Touching, Traces
Suspended Spring
Suspended Spring
Strange Growth
Nothing of him that doth fade...
Nothing of him that doth fade...
Evolution of Fish
Evolution of Fish
Evolution of Fish
Evolution of Fish
Lotus Meditation
Unexpected Growth
Unexpected Growth
Unexpected Growth
CM 2 in MoMA
CM 2 in MoMA
Wild Gardens
Wild Gardens
Wild Gardens
Wild Gardens
Treasures of Seh Rem
Land of Cloud
Land of Cloud
El Barrio is home!
El Barrio is home!
Gardens of the Anthropocene
Gardens of the Anthropocene
Gardens of the Anthropocene
I am Sound
Shades of Absence
Shades of Absence
Shades of Absence
Shades of Absence
All Hail Damien Hirst!
Reign of Gold
Invisible Istanbul
Transformation: Lehel
Transformation: Lehel
Transformation: Lehel
Transformation: Lehel
Water Lilly Invasion
Biomer Skelters
Clouding Green
ARt Critic Face Matrix


Thur. 13 March, 19h-21h @ Zukunftsmusik Nürnberg "NEW MEDIA x ART"

Artist talk with Tamiko Thiel and /p - and special surprise guest, Atmos Sphaerae composer Christoph Reiserer - in conversation with Dr. Elisabeth Hartung/Projektbüro Kultur and Daniela Duca/Ars Electronica.
Where: former Kaufhof Nürnberg - Room 9

Until 06. April @ Zukunftsmusik Nürnberg: 8h-0h - Art in Public Space

We are showing 3 works on large LED displays, in the windows of the former Kaufhof department store in the Nurenberg pedestrian zone! Atmos Sphaerae, originally created as a VR immersive experience, is being shown in its video version, with music by Christoph Reiserer. ReWildAR and Enter the Plastocene are being shown as large format AR livestreams - passersby stop and stare and take "selfies", as they see themselves in the displays embedded in the virtual worlds!

L: Atmos Sphaerae (video, w/music by Christoph Reiserer) - M: ReWildAR AR Livestream - R: Enter the Plastocene AR Livestream

“Zukunftsmusik" ("Music of the future") – transforms the former Kaufhof department store site through art and culture. It is funded by the Free State of Bavaria in the Bavarian Cities Funding Program.

Fr. 21. März, 19h mit den Münchner Symphonikern / STUDIO SOUND Programm

We have the honor to introduce the evening's program with our AR livestream Waldwandel / Forest Flux, with live accompaniment from Matthias Krön und Bastian Schmid on horns.

TICKETS: https://www.muenchner-symphoniker.de/de/node/1362

Where: Bavaria Musik Studios, Schornstr. 13, 81669 Munich

Waldwandel/Forest Flux, with Matthias Krön, Anna-Theresa Sehmer and Julia Maier, Münchener Symphoniker

Author und „Forester of the Year 2023“ Martin Janner will talk about how Germany is developing its forests to deal with climate change, in a program framed by selected works from Robert Schumann, Mason Bates und Mel Bonis, played by the Münchner Symphoniker.

Musicians: Anna Sehmer, Violine / Jakob Haas, Violoncello / Julia Maier, Flöte / Nicola Hartwig, Klarinette / Matthias Krön Horn / Bastian Schmid, Horn / Carlota Amado, Klavier / Martin Janner, Moderation

Waldwandel / Forest Flux was commissioned by the Kunsthalle Munich for the exhibit "Flowers Forever" (curated by Franziska Stöhr), BIOTOPIA Museum of Natural History, and the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise. Sponsored by generous grants from the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise, and from Sundance Institute Interdisciplinary Program with support from Unity Charitable Fund/Tides Foundation.


Until 14 Sept. 2025 @ Chiostro del Bramante, Rome

"FLOWERS. Art from the Renaissance to Artificial Intelligence"

Featuring: Forest Flux/Waldwandel, Augmented Reality wall-sized livestream.

The exhibition "Flowers Forever," curated by Franziska Stöhr and Roger Diederen for the Kunsthalle Munich, now travels to Rome in collaboration with the curator Suzanne Landau. It features Waldwandel/Forest Flux as a large, wall-sized AR livestream projection!

Forest Flux/Waldwandel AR livestream large projection installation. Installation view at the Chiostro del Bramante, Rome, Italy, 2025.

Until 25 May 2025 @ KUNSTHALLE VIENNA

"Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960–1991" surveys the history of digital art from a feminist perspective, focusing on women who worked with computers as a tool or subject and artists who worked in an inherently computational way. With my 68 years, I am the second youngest in the exhibit!

The exhibit premiered at MUDAM Luxembourg, and has now followed curator Michelle Cotton as she takes over the directorship of the Kunsthalle Vienna!


Featuring the sketches and photos I did as lead product designer on the first prototype of the Connection Machines CM-1/CM-2. For more on the machines, the first commercial AI supercomputers, see my CM website.

Until May 2025 @ Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The AR exhibit "DEMO-" AR exhibit, from wava.ar and Netzwerk Paulkirche features:

Revolution and Return, interactive AR installation, by Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2023

Revolution and Return
Revolution and Return, interactive AR installation, Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2023. At the Paulskirche, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Photos: Ben Livne Weitzman

Silver coins of the German states, carrying the profiles of their respective German monarchs and symbols of their personal power, fall from the sky. With a touch you can transform them into the founding constitutional documents of the first unified German nation-state, which forced them to give up control of their realms in 1848.

But what happens when gold ducats of the powerful Prussian King and Austrian Emperor begin to rain down from above?

NOTES: On the first, failed attempt at democracy in Germany, in 1848.

Official City of Munich Art in Public Space:

AR installation, Tamiko Thiel, 2022
Sited @ the Juliet Capulet sculpture in Marienplatz

Commissioned for the ARORA / #MakeUsVisible / denkFEmale Munich AR virtual monuments exhibit, 2022. All artworks are visible around the world as well - follow links on website.

#JulietToo, AR installation, Tamiko Thiel and /p, 2022.
Marienplatz Munich, next to the Old City Hall/Toy Museum

Created by sculptor Nereo Constantini to honor the tragic, 13 year old heroine of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", the sculpture was donated to Munich in 1974 by its Partner City Verona, Italy. In the wake of #MeToo there has been much discussion of the tourist practice of rubbing (and licking) the patina off of Juliet's right breast "to bring luck".

To contribute to the discussion, #JulietToo surrounds the Juliet sculpture with her body positive avatars as amazon and as Viking shield maiden, warrior women who bared their breasts in battle as a sign of strength, rather than submission.


SIGGRAPH 2024, 28 July – 1 August in Denver, USA

I will receive the Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art! I am still wobbly-kneed at being named to this illustrious group, with so many true s/heros of mine! SIGGRAPH was so important for the beginning of my career as a media artist, in the early days when few art venues would dare to show VR artworks.

AWE XR Hall of Fame

I am honored to be part of the first cohort inducted into the newly formed XR Hall of Fame, including many of my s/heros and friends! Unfortunately I can't attend the AWE conferences this year due to prior committments elsewhere, I would have so loved to celebrate this together with you all! :-(

CAI Magazine's Top 20 Most Famous Digital Artists

According to the ranking algorithm on artfacts.net, I am #10 on this list! Read their description of how they came up with the rankings. Grateful that I lived to see the words "famous" and "digital" and "artists" in the same sentence in art magazines! :-)